Thursday, May 2, 2013

UK Curriculum P1 Mathematics Homework: Our sample

During the P1 Induction Night briefing, we were told that our children would start coming home with homework packs to familiarise themselves with P1 life.

It's ALREADY started.

Connor arrived home last week waving a Mathematics homework pack.   It was a ziploc baggie containing various sheets of paper.  One was the Outcome sheet.  It was for us parents and explained what the homework aimed to achieve.  For Maths, it was to familiarise our children with numbers in their lives, not just as numbers on a page.  The aim was to show them that numbers mean different things in different context.

There was a book to read together on numbers, a number hunt around the village, some song sheets and a feedback sheet for the parent to fill in.

Connor enjoyed the number hunt most of all.  It was a laminated sheet of various signs around the village - the speed limit sign, the bus stop sign, the hotel sign, the road signs.  We went hunting for them one morning and he really enjoyed it.  Coincidentally, he's very much into signs now and he's always asking, "What does this sign mean, Mummy?"  So it was very easy to explain to him that the "30" on the speed limit sign denotes how fast Mummy can drive while the 6am - 9pm sign on the village mini market means that's the hours that the shop's open.  Different numbers, different meanings. See?

Pretty good activities and once you're done, you pop everything back into the ziploc baggie, fill up the feedback form and pass everything back to the Nursery teacher.  The way the activities are structured means Mummy and/or Daddy has to get involved too.  This means if your child has any difficulty with the activities, YOU the parent know it and you can get involved early.  Not happy blur-blur and wait till the teacher calls you for a private chat.  By then, your child may have started disliking school simply because he can't understand what's going on.

I forgot to take pictures this time but I'll remember when we get our next homework pack.  I saw a parent come in with the Science pack today and golly, it looked complicated... had rocks and leaves and flowers and stuff.

Can't wait!


  1. This sounds cool! I hope my kid goes to a nice school such as this one too! in India most schools are way too least it was so when we were growing up.

    1. This is just your standard average state-run school. Malaysian schools were very much into rote learning in my time, I doubt if anything has changed. I think this way is a more effective way to teach young ones.
