Thursday, July 26, 2012

My new shoes

These are Jimmy Choo's Loila shoes.  Retail price on the website says 645 euros.  I can't even begin to convert that into ringgit.  All I know is that it must be PLENTY ringgit.  

This one falls into the "Woman, are you mad?" category.  As spoken by my husband when he found out how much they cost.  Because men don't understand women's shoes.  My husband splurged a few thousand ringgit on his 2 pairs of leather shoes from UK but that was 5 years ago and he's going to be wearing them for the next fifteen years without anyone remarking, "Wah... so *last season* hor?" to him.  So he cannot understand why I have to keep buying new ones now and then.

So now what?

....Nasib ada itu Clarks of UK....


Not quite Jimmy Choo's but same idea.  And cost me all of 39.90 pounds in the Clarks sale (Usual price was 89 quid I think) and more importantly, look nothing like Clarks have ever designed.  I happened to pop into the Liverpool One store and there was one pair left.  In my size.  I hemmed and hawed for a while before I left.  I told myself that if the shoes were still there the next day, it was a sign from the Shoe Gods to buy them.

They were.

So I bought them.

Just as Dear Hubby (we'd been shopping separately) walked into the Clarks store to find out what I was doing with the 100 pounds he'd given me for the day.

"AHA!  Just as I suspected! You're buying more SHOES!  I bloody knew it!"

What did he expect?  I was in a shoe store.

I love you too, husband.

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