Thursday, March 6, 2014

World Book Day, 6 March 2014

Today is World Book Day and Connor's school celebrates it.  Every child was given the option of arriving dressed as their favourite literary character or in any costume they like.  At the end of the day, everyone gets to go home with a book voucher.  Nice.

Connor went as Darth Vader.  Why?

1.  We have a Darth Vader costume on hand
2.  Mummy didn't have time/energy to make a proper literary character's costume

At 1:45pm, they had a parade of all the Nursery-P3 kids in the playground and parents were invited.  I went and it was quite fun to see all the little ones.  There were a few Fantastic Mr Foxes, one Naughtiest Girl in the School, one splendid Harry Potter and a few Cats in the Hat.  There were loads of pretty princesses, more than a few recycled Halloween costumes and ONE Darth Vader.  Funnily enough, Darth Vader's class had Darth Maul and a stormtrooper as well.... so you can say the P1/2 class had quite a bit of the dark side of the Force.

The best bit was the teachers all dressed up as well.  The Best Teacher's Costume had to go the P1 class teacher who came as The Book Fairy.  That's what it said on the plaque on her front.  She had wings, the cover of a book taped to her wings and pages from a book made pretty pleats on her skirt.  I'm thinking back to my school days and it's really hard imagining... oh... Mrs Gan say.... coming as a Book Fairy.

Well done, everyone!

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