Saturday, December 6, 2008

New pics of Connor

"Kopi O satu!" (Photie taken last week while he was relaxing on Daddy's lap)

LOL This is one of our many pathetic attempts to take his passport photie when he was 2 weeks old. I'd read somewhere that the British Embassy will accept home-taken photies as long as they meet the UK photo requirements. So being the cheapskates we are (hey, credit crunch wat...), we decided to do the DIY route. All our desperate attempts to get him to look straight at the camera failed so we gave up and I took him to a pro studio who got his photos done within 5 minutes.

Me, Mum and Dad with Connor. I had to censor my mug because my hair was in an absolute mess and made me look like a pontianak. Spoiled the whole Happy Family effect. Dear Hubby asked what a pontianak was. I said it was a female ghost with hair like Diana Ross' on a bad hair day and to my surprise, Dear Hubby said, "Ohhhhh... I know which ghost!"


  1. I'm just a passerby and i just want to tell you that Connor is super cute! :) Congratulations!!!!

  2. Ooh look at the proud grand pa and grand ma and um... white square :D Let me know when you get back. I'm too scared to hold baby Connor but I wanna see him! :D Then you can put up a pic of white square aunty pb :D

  3. grace: Thank you! *beams*

    PB: LMAO! White square! We can take pic of together - White Square Mommy and Aunty PB. LOL Back in KL Dec 20-27, staying at Maple.. come over ok!

  4. seriously i can tell the little one is a howler... yeah mummy white square - i wondered a bit why you sensored yourself like that....macam "kisah benar" family je....

  5. Roy: Hehe... asalkan baby tak ikut idiot like us! HAHAHA!!!

  6. Roy: Eee... jahat nye you Roy, want to condemn my only baby boy to idiotness like kita dua ni... jangan monyet, jangan!

  7. not pontianak.. but "kuntilanak" :D

  8. What's a kuntilanak? I gotta google that!
