Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eye Candy: Then and now

As Connor's first birthday is approaching, I just wanted to remind myself of how things have changed so much in the space of the 20++ months starting from the day I learnt I was pregnant with him.

This started it all - the positive pregnancy test results! No, actually it was the sex that started it but I don't have any pics of THAT and even if I did, I can't post them. Hee... When I was in the bathroom testing, Dear Hubby was in the hall gleefully watching the highlights of Chelsea getting beat. He'd forgotten I was testing and sounded most impatient when I called him to "...come now!" According to him, it took him a few seconds before he suddenly remembered it was an Important Day and came running in. I'll never forget the joy and disbelief of that day.

Our first look at our wee man. Gosh, it was so cool to know that life had begun inside me and everything that I would do from then on wouldn't be just about me, myself and I anymore.

Connor, probably an hour old in this pic, all wrapped up and delivered to me from the nursery. That shock of hair is just... shocking. I remember each morning the nurse would bring him over to me and he'd come in with a new hairdo each day - left part, right part, brushed forward, sticking straight up. Evidently the nurses were having fun.

Connor at 7 weeks old and on his first trip to Malaysia. Golly, he looks TINY in this pic compared to how he looks now! And so... so... immobile!

Connor at 10 months old in the back garden in the Liverpool home of his grandparents. I feel sorry for my son that he has to live so far from both sets of grandparents. I grew up with mine around me and nothing shields you better from a parent's wrath than a grandparent's love. I wish we could live closer but we can't. So when we were in Liverpool, I shot videos of Connor with his grandparents and I show them to my son regularly so that he'll be able to remember.

Connor, taken last week at 11 months old. He's lost his baby cuteness and is looking more and more like a little monkey of a boy.

2 more weeks to the Big Birthday for our little boy. Mummy's arranging for a Thomas-themed cake since he loves Thomas the Tank Engine. I'm glad I did this blog and wrote all my experiences down. Now I've got a year full of memories all written down and not lost in the recesses of my Mummy Brains.

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